Implant-Supported Dentures in
Alamogordo, NM
Are you missing teeth? You’re not alone because millions of Americans have dealt with missing teeth before. However, missing teeth can be embarrassing and can cause health problems. Our implant-supported dentures in Alamogordo, NM, offer a durable and comfortable option for those who need to wear dentures. These dentures are attached to dental implants, which act as anchors, which means you can have a beautiful smile without worrying about your dentures falling out or getting loose.
You’ll never have to worry about your dentures slipping again – implant-supported dentures are very secure! And because they attach to dental implants, they help preserve the jawbone, so you don’t experience any bone loss. Implant-supported dentures are an excellent option if you’re looking for an alternative to traditional removable dentures.

What are Implant-Supported Dentures?
Dentures have been around for centuries and have come a long way regarding function and appearance. Today’s dentures are more realistic looking and feeling than ever before, but they can still be a hassle to wear. Implant-supported dentures solve this type of problem. They offer a more stable and comfortable option for those who need to wear dentures.
These dentures are attached to dental implants placed in the jawbone. The implants act as anchors, keeping the dentures in place. The implants prevent slipping or moving around in the mouth and help preserve the jawbone.
Implant-supported can be more expensive than traditional dentures, but many patients find they are worth the cost. They offer a much better fit and a more natural look and feel than conventional dentures. For people who need to wear dentures, Implant-supported dentures can be an excellent option.
What is the Process?
The first step in getting Implant-supported dentures is to consult Dr. Westover, Dr. Slade, Dr. Griffin, or Dr. Peterson. They will determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. Once we determine that you are a good candidate, the next step is to have the implants placed in your jawbone. We place the implants through a surgical procedure. Once the implants are in place, they must heal and fuse to the jawbone. The fusing can take several months, and we can provide a comfortable temporary denture for you to wear.
Once the implants have bonded with the bone, our team will place a small post on the implant. This post will protrude through the gum tissue. The final step is to place the dentures on the posts.
After this final step, recovery time is typically short, and most patients can return to their normal activities within a few days. However, avoiding strenuous activity for at least four weeks is vital to allow your jaw to heal correctly.
Caring for Your Implant Supported Dentures
After your procedure, our team will demonstrate how to properly care for your dentures and implants. Implant-supported dentures are easy to care for. Brush and floss your dentures as you would natural teeth. In addition, it is essential to clean the area around the implants to avoid infection. And see our team for regular checkups so we can make sure your implants are healthy.
How Long Do They Last?
With proper care, implant-supported dentures can last for many years and provide a safe and effective way to restore your smile.
How Much Do They Cost?
The cost of implant-supported dentures can vary depending on the number of teeth replaced and the procedure’s complexity. Dental insurance sometimes covers dental implants, and we work with many insurance groups. We also accept many payment forms and offer membership plans to help you manage dental costs.
Implant Supported Dentures in
Alamogordo, NM
Implant-supported dentures offer many benefits over traditional dentures. If you are considering implant-supported dentures, consult the Mountain View Dental team about the process and what to expect.
Schedule an appointment today! We’ll help you get started on restoring your smile with implant-supported dentures!